I cannot believe our oldest child is now 5!!! He is growing up too fast. He loves Pokemon, he always loves the scary characters or the bad guys. He loves that scary cat guy Mewtwo on this shirt and his favorite color is blue. This Pokemon fabric is from Affordable Fabrics and More was perfect. He was so excited for his birthday shirt. I missed the retail option, so I scored it from the Affordable Fabrics and more B/S/T group.
I used the Jolly Roger Raglan (aff link) pattern from Patterns for Pirates. It was an easy sew. This was only the second time I used this pattern for my son and I made the shirt in less than hour. It is definitely a perfect pattern for a beginner. There are not any special tricks to this shirt. I highly recommend the shirt, the fit is spot on as well.
Little Dude is such a character and always gives me the best faces for his pictures. His teachers have told me they think he is going to be an actor when grows up. He loved this blue Yamaha bike he saw at Walmart at few weeks ago. I love how it looks like a little dirt bike. We tried a few bikes at the store and he find this one the easiest to pedal. He is a little on the short side for his age (takes after me), so I like to try things out first before we buy. He of course is taking his new favorite toy, Clay Face, for a ride!! He has been asking for Clay Face for a long time. You know, another bad guy. LOL!
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