My son’s school sponsored two black out days, where everyone in the school wears black to bring awareness that black dogs and cats are less likely to be adopted than their peers. It is known as Black Dog Syndrome.
We ourselves have a black cat, Frenchie Paris Budlight (I may or may not have been drinking when I named him.) I adopted Frenchie 15 years ago from the Humane Society. He ended up being horribly sick with a common shelter cat virus, however he is doing so well now. He does tend to bite occasionally, but has calmed down a bit with age and having to put up with my two toddlers. His Mama and siblings were also up for adoption and if I could have I would have taken them all, but at the time, I lived in a small apartment. My Mom volunteered at the shelter where I adopted Frenchie and she sadly told me they ended up putting the rest of Frenchie’s family down due to the horrible virus. I was heartbroken. When Frenchie acts up, I remind him I saved his life. LOL.
I was thinking about what black clothes my son had for school and I remembered I had cut out pieces to make him this dog raglan, however I had not started making it yet. I whipped up this Dog Shirt the night before school. It went so much faster when the pieces were already cut out. I used the Jolly Roger Raglan (aff link) by Patterns for Pirates. Its a quick easy sew. I was proud of myself, I didn’t even need the instructions this time.
Now onto the dog fabric!!! This is SUPER SOFT double brushed polyester by So Sew English (no aff link, just love them). There is still, at this moment, still some dog fabric in stock! Hurry, their fabrics tend to sell out quickly.
The next time you are looking to adopt a pet, please try to consider a black dog or cat.
Here are a few more pictures of Little Dude hamming it up for the camera:
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