I love things that match, especially clothes. I have always loved it. I also love pink. I now know what my pink obsession was like for my parents, as I am now a parent of a pink obsessed little girl. It makes my heart happy. She also loves matching! Everything matching. She gets really excited. We really enjoy wearing matching outfits. I am sure this will change as she gets older, but for now, I am taking full advantage.
We recently went on vacation and I had already made myself a pink George and Ginger Drama Dress, so I stayed up a little late the night before our super early flight and made a Drama Dress Jr. for Baby girl too. The last time I made the Mommy and Me George and Ginger Drama Dresses (see our 4th of July matching dresses), I did not have enough fabric to do the flared skirt, but this time I did! Btw, today is the last day of their 50% off sale, no code necessary.

The flared skirt is just adorable! She is not a huge dress fan, but she loved this one. I made it with super soft pink single brushed polyester by Allielane in Abbyville. Melissa always has amazing deals on her fabrics. You can also join the Allielane Buzz Facebook Group to vote on the next fabrics to be ordered and find our when new fabrics are arriving.
I speak French and struggle to teach my kids French. Mostly because I feel as if I am just talking to myself, but they do know a few words. I asked her for a bisous in the above picture. She sometimes gets mad when I speak French to her, as she does not understand me, but she does understand bisous. In fact, she probably thinks its an English word. LOL. I may start French classes with her soon. I tried with my son about her age, but he had no interest. This girl however, loves to talk. She also really enjoys spinning!!!

Spin me Mommy! More! Faster! Higher!! She is my daredevil, thrill seeker! My Mom says she is a lot like me, busy and into everything!! She knows what she wants and goes and gets it. It makes me so proud of her and a little exhausted at the same time. She can also be the sweetest little girl and fierce all at the same time. There are many things besides our new matching dresses that make us so similar.

She does give some of the best hugs. Usually I am never in the vacation photos, as my husband dislikes taking photos. He puts up with family photos for a short period of time, before getting cranky. Now I have another little photographer in the family, Little Dude. He is only 5, but takes amazing pictures. I believe he took all of these pictures, except perhaps the spinning photo. I love how much he is into photography. I really need to get him his own camera. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know, because we may just have a third photographer in our family….

She was so excited to take a picture of the PINK sky!! I caught her checking our the picture she just took on the camera. (She is using the Amazon Basics Tripod and a Canon Rebel Camera) Is this not the most adorable picture? I not so secretly, love how much she loves pink! And that she is already taking an interest in photography. (And Matching outfits!) She takes a pretty decent picture for a 2 year old. What do you think? This is one of her pictures below:

Okay, I may need two cameras for the kids….. I also need more fabric, as I plan on making a bazillion of these Mommy and Me Drama Dresses by George and Ginger! You can purchase the Women’s version the drama dress here, the Drama Dress Jr here, or you can buy the Mommy and Me Drama Dress Bundle package here! Do not forget, today is the last day of the 50% off sale!
Gorgeous work!