Calling all Pattern Designers and Fabric companies! I have recently invested in a Sewing Event Calendar for the Seams Sew Lo Blog. It will include new sewing pattern releases, sales, fabric stockings/sales, sew a logs etc. It will the have the ability to see all available events or give the options for customers to drill it to down to give a more customized search. I have just slowly started adding some events, you can see it in its beginning stages here https://www.seamssewlo.com/events/ I also just created a FB group exclusively for Pattern Designers and Fabric Companies to post their events, so I can add them to calendar. You can join it here. https://www.facebook.com/groups/343660299405065/ I would love to help promote your business!
***If you are not a pattern company and would like to learn more about future events and chat about Sewing please join the Seams Sew Lo Sewing Friends and Events Facebook Group!
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