Have you seen the videos and images of the Wine Holder Stocking Ugly Christmas Sweaters going around Facebook? Well I saw one and knew I just had to make one for myself! (If you do not sew you can find plenty on Etsy.) After testing the Easy Peasy Girls Nightgown sewing pajamas for my daughter by Seamingly Smitten, she then announced there would be a women’s version. Mommy and Me! I love Mommy and Me matching pajamas! You can buy them on sale here: Girls Nightgown, Women’s Nightgown, Mommy and Me Nightgowns bundle. So first, here are few photos of Baby Girl in her cute doughnut nightgown.

In the past, I have tried to get Baby Girl to wear a nightgown as pajamas, however she is used to wearing her brother’s hand me down footed pajamas. She would tell me, “A dress as pajamas, that’s silly.” I had to try again though. My pink and sweets obsessed girl immediately agreed to trying on her new pink Christmas doughnut pajamas. I bought this cute fabric from So Sew English last year and have been hoarding it ever since! Add a few cookies for bribery of pictures and Voila!
Now, onto the the Wine Holder Stocking Ugly Christmas Sweater Nightgown Tutorial. I had first planned to make my own stocking with Ellie and Mac’s Free Christmas Stocking sewing pattern, however I ran out of time. We had several old stockings, now to find them… I was looking everywhere, then I remember I had put the stockings on the island right before we cleaned the house for Thanksgiving. I knew I did not move them, so it had to be the hubby. So, I checked the bottom of the coat closet, you know where he puts everything he does not know where they go. There they were! Score! I cut the back off one side of the stockings, however I left a little of the other side to fold it under.

I could have probably used and entire stocking, however I thought it would be too bulky. Then, I did something, I do not normally do; I used pins!! I am a huge fan of wonder clips, however they were not ideal for this wine holder stocking project. When I do use pins, I like to use these glass head pins, as they will not melt when you iron over them. I pinned the the stocking down to the from center of the nightgown, before sewing up the rest of the nightgown.

Next, I topstitched the stocking down with a knit zigzag stitch with my Brother SE400. Please do no go too fast and make sure your fabric does not bunch under the stocking. As you move the stocking, make sure the fabric is still laying flat. Then, just finish the nightgown per the instructions. Finally, you have your own Wine Stocking Holder Ugly Christmas Sweater Nightgown!

OMG!! You need one too! It holds an entire bottle of wine! Get your Easy Peasy Nightgowns on sale here for today and tomorrow only! Do not forget to shop all of the other Seamingly Smitten patterns, as they are 40% off with a special coupon code on the Poncho Blog Tour! Other patterns I can recommend are Boys Classic pants, Claire Cardigan and the Swing Dress! Here is my son in the classic pants; they can be made in knits or wovens.

Now go and make yours! Tag me in your wine stocking holder ugly Christmas Sweater pajamas! I would to see what you make!
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