We are in love with the new boys sweatpants sewing pattern by Ellie and Mac! My son is very sensitive to certain fabrics and does not like his pants tight fitting. Many of the pants I have made them, people have comment, “Oh, I like your pajamas.” Oh no! They were not supposed to look pajamas! The Wild Wide Leg Pants have options to add pockets on the side and cuffs at the bottom. I was assigned the no pockets version during testing and since my nephew was visiting and he wanted to try to make his own pants (yes, you read that correctly) we went with the simple version without cuffs. You can find the Wild Leg Pants sewing pattern here on sale for 48 hours only!

The Ellie and Mac Wild Wide Leg Boys sewing pattern is simple and easy sew. My nephew came to visit us for a few days and I had work to do, so I put him to work too. 🙂 He had never sewn before and he made his own pair of lounge pants!! Yes! Himself!! I am so proud of him!! I helped him with the waistband, however other than that, he made the sweatpants all by himself. He actually ended up making two pairs of pants while he was here.
I know many people usually like to teach people to sew with a sewing machine, with wovens, starting slow. However, I am more of a jump right into a project and learn as you go type person. So, I started my nephew off on a serger with French Terry! I use the Brother 1034d serger. I have two. One with light gray thread and one with black thread. It works for most of my projects, so I do not have to constantly change my thread colors

I will teach him more of the basics, as he learns more. However, now he has a pair of pants, he will actually wear! He completed an actual project. If I would have started just with the basics, he may have gotten bored. This way, he easily figured how sewing can be cool and addictive! LOL! My husband says I am addicted to sewing. It is just so much fun to create new things, you guys understand, right? You come up with ideas and make them happen. I love it!

The fabric is a blue French Terry from Joann Fabrics. It was soft, however it is not quite as soft as the French Terry I usually buy from Simply by Ti Fabrics. Like the pink French Terry I used in Baby Girl’s Skye Paw Patrol costume. Actually, I have several yards of Glitter and Baby French Terry scheduled to be delivered tomorrow from Simply by Ti. I cannot wait, I am so excited!! This, however, was a last minute project and I did not have enough of one color of French Terry on hand to make two pairs of pants and a Unisex Raglan from Ellie and Mac for my son. So, we made a run to Joann Fabrics. Since this my newest fabric, I am using it for my week 2 of the 52 week sewing challenge!

I also showed my nephew my new Silhouette Cameo 3. Together we designed a cut file with his name and we ironed on some vinyl. He chose the font, the size of the design and the placement of vinyl. I love the way it turned out. I really believe he has a good eye for design! If he lived a little closer, I could only imagine the ideas would could come up with together.

We need to work on getting him here more often. I, of course, always love when he visits. The kids had a blast with him. Little Dude was sad when he left and Baby Girl cried. Baby Girl has already asked when he is coming back. He helped clean up around the house while he was here. I joked my husband was going to keep him and send me back. LOL!
Overally, we really love the Wild Wide Leg sweatpants sewing pattern from Ellie and Mac. It is nice to find a pair of pants that my son and nephew both love! You can get in on sale here for 48 hours only. No coupon code is needed, the discount code will automatically appear in your cart. Do not forget to check out the rest of Ellie and Mac’s sewing patterns as they are all 20% off this month too! Again, no coupon code is needed and discount will show up in your cart!
Such a great gift you’ve given him! You know what’s going to be on his Christmas wishlist this year, right? Lol.