I made the Party Time Dress doll clothing sewing pattern for my stop on the Oh Sew Kat Doll Clothes Blog Tour hosted by Seams Sew Lo (that’s me) and it is amazing!! As I mentioned in the blog tour intro post, Baby Girl received a couple of 18″ dolls for Christmas and I could not be more excited! Yes, I said I could not be more excited. I did not have dolls like this when I was a child, in fact, I do not even know if I knew they even existed until I joined the sewing world a few years ago. We will have lots of fun with this doll sewing pattern! You can find the sewing pattern here.
I recently made Baby Girl a super adorable Sierra Dress by Ellie and Mac. I really loved the colors and I still had some left over scraps.

I used a combination of Buttercream Fabric and the pink Eiffel tower fabric is from Walmart. I just loved how well everything went together. When deciding which fabric to use for the Party Time dress, I kept thinking about this dress! So I decided to grab the leftover fabric and go for it! I am glad I did, because just look at this new Party Time doll dress!

I love how the dress coordinates with Baby Girl’s dress, without being an exact match. I have made a couple of doll leggings and one self drafted dress for her 18″ stuffies, so I am no expert when it comes to doll dresses. (You can see my self drafted doll dress I made her for Easter here.) I have to admit, this doll dress was a lot of fun to make! The only thing I had to go out to buy was super tiny safety pins to thread the elastic through the sleeves and neckline. Everything else I had in my stash!! Awesome! Even threading the elastic was painless, because you do not have far to thread it. Even the back of the dress is super cute.
I did change the black closure of the dress a little bit. Instead of using hook and loop tape, I found some Velcro fasteners in my stash. They were a lighting deal on Amazon back in July and I am glad I finally was able to use them.

In the above picture you can see the white Velcro. The other side is clear, so a little harder to see. I placed three sets. One at the top, one at the waist and one at the bottom of the skirt. Baby Girl is very young and I believe the Velcro will help be able to put the doll clothes on herself. I do worry a little that Baby Girl will be rough with the Velcro fasteners, so I may run another stick down each side to help hold them on; just in case.

I also made her doll a little matching headband. This is one of my favorite little flowers to make. It is my go to, as it is a great scrap buster and so easy to make! I used this Shabby Chic Flower embroidery design. You can find it here by So Lucky Designs. I used a base then 3 tops layers. Then you cut the in between the spiral. To make it more a “shabby” look, I ran water over it in the sink. Then, I dried the flower in the dyer for about 15 minutes. I also used the Velcro fasteners to attach it to the headband. I was thinking Baby Girl could change out the flowers on the headbands to match different outfits. The headband helps complete her outfit.
The cute little pin piano is actually Baby Girl’s toy, however it just looked so cute with the doll, I had to use it as a photo prop. You can find it here. The piano is a big hit in our house and it looks like the doll may like it as well.
This gorgeous doll was given to Baby Girl by her Uncle for Christmas, she was originally came in a Super Girl outfit. At first, my daughter wanted me to change her back to her original clothes.

Then I told her, she is like Clark Kent and has to wear regular clothes sometimes, so people do not know she is Super Girl! She went with it. She wanted to play with this doll and she played with a little 14″ Madame Alexander I bought her for Christmas. We played tea party until her older brother came over. Little Dude is one of the nicest people I know in this world, but he loves his bad guys. He came over to have his toy fight our dolls. I had my doll say “Let us not fight and bring peace and joy to the world” and Baby Girl looks at me and says “No! You go get him!” LOL! So I ran to the other room and changed the doll into the Super Girl outfit and defeated the bad guy. All 3 of us had a great time! I look forward to more fun experiences as we change different outfits on our dolls.

Overall, I am incredibly happy with the Party Time dress sewing pattern from Oh Sew Kat. The sewing pattern was well drafted and the instructions were easy to follow. The pattern came with a couple of different skirt options, including a three tiered skirt option. It also had great tips on adding trim to the bottom of the skirt. What are you waiting for? You can go buy the Party Time Doll Dress sewing pattern here today! And, please, visit all the wonderful bloggers on the Oh Sew Kat Blog Tour Below. Oh and do not forget about the giveaway too!
We are so excited about the Oh Sew Kat Doll Clothes Blog tour hosted by Seams Sew Lo! Please check out all the wonderful blogs on this tour below:
- January 15th: Seams Sew Lo (Intro)
- January 16th: Seams Sew Lo
- January 17th: Kathy’s Kwilts and More
- January 18th: Sew Haute Blog
- January 19th: Seams Like Style
- January 22nd: Elli & Nels
- January 23rd: Quilts by Joanne
- January 24th: Granma Texas Sews
- January 25th: Stitched by Jennie
- January 26th: Sewing with D
- January 29th: Our Play Place
- January 30th: Cross Stitches Custom Clothing
- January 31st: Hazelnut Handmade
- February 1st: Daydream Sewing and Design
Do not forget to enter the Giveaway!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
What a great post!
Thank you!!
What a cute dress and story. Your little girls comment and actions about getting the bad guy, brightened up this cold, snowy, Michigan morning.
Thank you so much!!! It was a lot of fun. I loved her reaction. We have -17 windchill today, so it is so cold here too! Brr! Stay warm!
such fun! .dolls bring out the kid in us don’t they 🙂
They really do! So much fun!
Love it!
Thanks Nicole!
I love your dress. I am excited to share mine tomorrow.
Thanks!! I look forward to seeing yours too!
My great niece would be so in love with this little baby’s outfit!!
Oh you should make her one! It was so much fun to make!
The fabrics you used for the doll dress are beautiful! I love that your little girl can match her doll!
The fabrics you chose (for both dresses haha) are gorgeous. I love the quatrefoil, it works so well for the Party Time doll dress!
Thank you Nikki! I have been hoarding the fabrics for while, for just the right project. LOL. I love quatrefoil as well!
So glad you discovered 18” dolls! I had one called Tressy when I was a girl. She was so much fun to play with and change the clothes. My mom made a whole wardrobe for her for Christmas! Now I love sewing the clothes!
Me too! They are so much fun. I really missed out as a child. LOL! That is so sweet of your Mom. :)!
Love it that your little girl wanted to defeat the Bad Guys with Supergirl! Yay Girlpower!
So pretty! This looks fun!
Aww, how cute! I love your daughter’s coordinating dress, too!
everything is very cute!
It’s so fun that you made the dress coordinate with your daughters!
Cute dress 🙂
So cute ! Glad to hear that Supergirl triumphed once again. Lovely ‘secret identity’ dress !
I love how you sold your daughter on the change of clothes idea. My 2 year old was crying for me to switch her back too. I love the headband and velcro tip.
I have enjoyed seeing what everyone has made using the Oh Sew Kat patterns. These are some of my favorite patterns to use for AG & Wellie Wisher dolls so it is always fun to get inspiration from others fabric choices.
The Party Time dress is adorable!