The wait is over; the Juliet leotard sewing pattern is here by Petite Stitchery. Remember last week in my Sunday Lately post, I mentioned I redid Baby Girl’s balance beam to match her new gymnastics outfit? Well here it is! Just look at how well her leotard matches the balance beam!! Due to website issues at Petite Stitchery, the release was pushed back just a little bit. This is actually the third leotard I have sewn for baby girl. She specially requested a pink gymnastics outfit. Yep, no one who follows my blog is surprised! You can find the Juliet leotard sewing patterns here: Girls Version and the Baby Version. Hurry and buy them, while they are on sale!

Good thing I bought 7 yards of this gorgeous fuchsia double brushed polyester from Simply By Ti! I have put it to good use. It is currently on sale for their Pink, White and Sale! All pink, red and white fabrics are currently on sale this weekend only. Use coupon code REDWHITEANDPINK to save 25%! Go save some money here! I recently used the pink double brushed polyester on the her Sweetie Tunic (which as I write this post is still on sale for $1). I really love the selection of fabrics by Simply by Ti. I recently received some of their Glitter French Terry and Baby French Terry and cannot wait to sew something for Baby Girl and I!
Honestly I did not know if Baby Girl would even wear a leotard. I had never tried one with her before; not even a store bought version.

I am so happy to announce that Baby Girl LOVES her leotards! I am not sure if she loves them, because of how comfortable they are or if it is because she just loves gymnastics so much. Baby Girl has a foot that turns a little too much and when she was a little younger would cause her to fall often. She also a bit of hypermobility, it is inherited in our family. I put her in gymnastics to help her to build her muscles to help her with her foot and her joints. She has only been going to gymnastics class for about 4 months and I have seen a huge improvement. Not only in her muscle tone and foot turning, however also in her confidence. (Yes, that is her awesome new pink kids sofa making another appearance on the blog!)

This was Baby Girl actually at gymnastics. Technically this was after her class. We stayed for an extra hour of free time. I look at this picture and can see her strength and confidence. There was a new girl at free time today and she was trying to teach her some of the stuff she has learned the last few months. It was adorable. Many things I find about store bought clothes is they usually talk about beauty. While I think my daughter is beautiful; I think she is so much more. (Also check out her “So much more than Pretty Tunic“). So I decided to make my own svg to talk about her strength and a little play on the word pretty.

Pretty Strong! She is pretty strong, especially since starting gymnastics. Baby Girl has always been my most adventurous child. She has been climbing on everything before she could even walk. She loves a great adventure. My Dad says she reminds him of someone else he knows. Hmm? I am not sure where should would get that from? Hee hee. I thought I would share this SVG file with you for free! If you would like the svg file, please just click here and it will automatically download. I would love to see your creations! Share them with on the Seams Sew Lo Facebook Page or in my Facebook Group Sewing Deals!
I also made two other versions of the Juliet leotard sewing pattern! The first one I made in a size up, again in some double brushed polyester.

I knew making Baby Girl’s first ever leotard, it would need to be pink! This little pink obsessed girl loved it! The wrinkles in the back is because this one is a size larger than she would normally wear. I made it with pink unicorn double brushed polyester from So Sew English. It is such a fun print! As much as this girl loves pink, her next favorite color is blue. She requested a blue one like her new Super Girl doll she received from her uncle!

I did not have enough time to order any fabric, so Baby Girl and went to check out the selection at Joann Fabrics. They did not have a solid color blue fabric that would work. However, Baby Girl picked out this blue ombre stars fabric.

The fabric is just so much fun! It has great recovery and was prefect for this leotard sewing pattern. I could not find the fabric online, so next time I am in the store, I will get you the details on the fabric. When she wore this outfit to gymnastics practice, her coach said she looked like she was ready for the Olympics! USA! The other side of this fabric is solid blue, so I am thinking of using it to make one to match her Super Girl outfit. I will let you know how it goes. 🙂

The fit of the Juliet leotard sewing pattern is superbe! She has never had a wedgie with any of the 3 outfits. They have all been tested through 2 hours of gymnastics! 1 hour of class and 1 hour of free play each time. We love this leotard sewing pattern and I already have two more planned! I might size up for them, as she only has gymnastics once a week… LOL!

So, do not just stand there! What are you waiting for? Go buy the Juliet Leotard sewing pattern now, while it is on sale! You can find the baby leotard version here and the girls leotard version here!
Those are so adorable.