As many of you may now, I went to college in France and I loved it there. So, when the international blogger call came for this French sewing pattern designer, PM Patterns, I had to apply! You can find them here. I even knew I would be on vacation during the tour, however I really wanted to try out their sewing patterns and be a part of the blog tour. Once I was selected, I was so excited! The hardest part was choosing a sewing pattern to make. I am introducing PM Patterns to you and do not forget to enter the giveaway below.
I had a hard time choosing between the Pimprenelle sewing pattern and the Blue Princess sewing patterns. They are both the vintage style I love for Baby Girl. I ended up choosing the Pimprenelle and I am so happy I did!

As this was PM Sewing Patterns first international blog tour, they did not realize that we silly Americans use different printer paper than the rest of the world. The sewing pattern came in both A4 Paper and A0 copy shop printing options. You can buy A4 paper here on Amazon or there are ways to print in on our US letter size. I chose to have the pattern printed with the copy shop file. I am so glad I did, as I know have all the sizes and plan to make the Pimprenelle over and over again!

The instructions for the Pimprenelle sewing pattern were well translated and easy to follow. They instructions were thoroughly explained and walked you through the whole process. I do highly recommend reading all of the instructions before starting the project. I started the project and a few times, I assumed I knew what the next step would be, so mine was a created a little differently than the actual pattern suggests. I also made a big mistake.

Do you see the lace bottom bodice? Although it turned out super cute, it was not a part of the original plan. I accidentally used the two bottom bodice pieces for the straps. Oops! I did not realize my mistake until after I had already sewn the ruffles onto the straps. They bodice pieces are a bit longer than the actual straps, so my ruffles are not as ruffly as they should be.

Since, I only had a yard of this gorgeous pink Paris inspired Buttercream fabric and had used almost all of it for the top. Baby Girl picked out the fabric herself. You can find it here. I looked around my sewing room to find a replacement for the bottom bottom sewing pattern pieces. That is when I came across this pretty pink lace.

The side ruffles still had plenty of ruffle to them. If you follow the instructions they will be even more ruffly! I also serged the edges of the ruffles instead of doing a hem. So, that was just my first mistake, which was of course my own fault. My next mistake was because i did not read ahead to the rest of the instructions.

When I added the bottom bodice pieces, I was expecting to add the skirt piece to both pieces of the bottom bodice, so I had serged the two bottom pieces together. I quickly realized, I should have not made an assumption, however it all turned out so well!

I also attached the back straps a little differently as well.

Since I accidentally used the bottom bodice pieces as the straps, I did not want to set the straps until I tried the shirt on Baby Girl. I was sewing the Pimprenelle together in the middle of the night (hence all the mistakes), so I could not immediately try it on her. In the morning, the I tried the top on her and I topstitched the straps down. If you follow the pattern instuctions, the seams would be hidden and give you a better finished look.

So, there is one more thing I changed, however I did this on purpose. I was a little concerned about doing a buttonhole with the lace, so instead I used some of these velcro fasteners. It has actually held up pretty well. I would most likely do a button my next one, because there will plenty of next ones.

Even though I made several mistakes and a couple of changes, this Pimprenelle top came out amazing! I cannot believe I was able to make several mistakes and for the top to come out so well! Amazing sewing pattern.

I highly recommend the Pimprenelle girls top sewing pattern by PM Patterns. Go buy it here today! I look forward to making more of their patterns.
Please visit all the wonderful sewing bloggers on the blog tour and do not forget to enter the giveaway below!
Pm-Patterns Blog Tour
- March, 13th: La Casa Cactus/ Lilla-Gumma/ My Sewing Roots
- March, 14th: Sew Sew Ilse/ Threadistry/ Seams Sew Lo
- March, 15th: Sprouting JubeJube/ Sewrendipity/ Sewvolution
- March, 16th: Sewing Vortex/ OakBlue Designs/ AusChick
- March, 17th Octaves of Color
This is a beautiful pattern and I like how you keep it real about your “Mistakes”. It seems I’m not the only one who assumes lol. I enjoyed your posts and of course your BG is so cute. Lovely pics!
So cute. Thank you for introducing me to PM Patterns.
Thank you! And you are very welcome.
She is just the most adorable little girl! Looking ultra cute in this top! Such a great make. Looking forward to sharing my project tomorrow as well!
She’s so adorable with her p&m dress!
Your pictures are so full of life. They’re a real pleasure to look at. Thanks for sharing!
I love the Paris inspired fabric for this French pattern!
Gorgeous! I love what you’ve done with yours!