I am super excited for the new Sapphire Women’s Tank sewing pattern release! If you have been following my blog, you know I have been on a weight loss journey for more than a year. Here is my last July when I joined the gym, at this point, I already lost 10 lbs by changing my diet. As you can see here, it only took me 2 months at the gym to lose another 10 lbs. It has been taken me 7 months to lose the next 7 lbs. Winter was hard! 3-6 times a week at the gym is the pretty much the norm for me these days. So, although on my blog you get to see me dressed up in fun clothes, in reality, most days I am in workout clothes!
Disclosure: This post may contain some affiliate links, at not additional cost to you, if you purchase something, I may receive a commission.
Not only am I wearing work out clothes most days, I rarely wear make up. My husband probably likes it when I get dressed up for blog photos. LOL! I mean, it is so bad, that two weeks ago when I walked into my favorite Saturday morning workout class with my hair actually down, the instructor said, “I never realized your hair was so long.” I have been taking her classes about twice a week for about 10 months now. Oops! So to say I am excited about a new workout tank is an understatement. The fit of the Sapphire Women’s Tank sewing pattern is superb! You may grab the pattern here on sale! I paired the Sapphire tank with the free peg legs sewing pattern by Patterns for Pirates, you can find it here.

The Sapphire Women’s Tank sewing pattern comes with a FBA!! (Full Bust Adjustment) Per the measurements of the pattern, I measured a D Cup, but I wanted to put the pattern to the test. So, I sewed up the original version which is designed for a B cup. The pattern fit, however there was some pulling around the bust region. I am sure, only us seamstresses would probably pay that much attention. Then, I tried to the D cup and the fit was so much better!

The tank looks great from the side! Now technically my waist measurements do not fall in the medium sizing. I am totally sucking in for these photos and black is slimming! My mommy tummy wants to stick around no matter how much I work out and eat well, unfortunately. However, I have lost 27 lbs since February of last year! (This number jumps up and down all of the time.) I am not sure exactly how much more weight I want to lose. To me it is not the number, but how my body looks. I am definitely working on my fitness goals!

Speaking of goals…. When a friend of mine, who owns the Etsy shop La Belle Vie by Kristen, posted on a picture of a “Goal Digger” shirt she made someone, I practically begged her to make an SVG file for her shop! She did it too! You can find the goal digger svg file here. It is actually her birthday today, so go show her some love! I also used her May the Fourth Be With You SVG File for my son, you can see his adorable shirt here!
I used metallic gold htv, however next time I would definitely use Siser Stretch HTV. You can find some here. Since the Sapphire is meant to stretch a lot, regular heat transfer vinyl is not the best choice. I used solid black double brushed polyester from So Sew English, you can find it here.

My fitness goals seem as if they are in reach, even if I feel I have hit a plateau recently. Plus, I am finally losing the weight I gained from our lovely vacation in March. I cannot recommend Lifetime Fitness enough. Joining Lifetime has been life changing! They will watch your little ones for up to 2 hours a day while you work out. The kids have fun activities too. Baby Girl is currently enrolled in a progressive gymnastics class right now an we plan on adding ballet soon, both included in the membership fee. Little Dude is currently in a progressive rock climbing class, also included with the membership, and he loves it! If you would like to try them out, here is a free pass for a day. Unfortunately it is only available for today or tomorrow. I will update it when they have more opportunities like this. Just click here for the qr code and bring it in to your local Lifetime Fitness. (I do not think I get anything for this, unless you mention my name, I just want to share the love).
Now that summer will be here in a few hours, as today is Little Dude’s last day of school, we will have lots of time at gym, the pool, outdoor play, etc to help me lose those pesky few lbs I have left. Actually, if it were not for my Mommy tummy I still have, I would be happy with where I am with my fitness goals.

I could not help but try an old cheerleader pose. Yoga has definitely help my flexibility come back.
Fitness has not been my only goal this past year. My other goals have been growing my little sewing blog. I have started running blog tours for sewing pattern designers, you can find out more here. I started the Sewing Deals Calendar and my most exciting goal was recently launched… The Seams Sew Lo Sewing App!! Yes, I now even have my own app!! Have you downloaded the new Seams Sew Lo Sewing App yet??? It is available on Apple and Android! Check out the giveaway going on right now and the exclusive in app discount code!

In the app you can find and rate sewing pattern designers and fabric companies, get exclusive discounts, enter giveaways, find the best sewing deals and even read the Seams Sew Lo blog. Go check it and come back to give me some feedback.

Which reminds me to show you the back of the Sapphire Women’s Tank sewing pattern. It has nice coverage, especially with a sports bra. It is also a great layering tank. I made a Sapphire Tank in lace, you have may have noticed it here in our Mommy and Me Mother’s Day outfits. It was perfect with the off the shoulder top.

The Sapphire Women’s Tank sewing pattern has already became a stable in closet! It will only become more so as summer approaches. Go grab yours here today while it is on sale!
Oh my goodness, congrats on your weight loss!!! And this tank is great. I should sew some for my yoga practice.