Baby Girl has a new dress! A new Girl Superhero dress! When I showed her the fabric she was in love. This is the first time, she really helped choose fabrics for her dress. I wanted to add a yellow bodice and place a pink girl superhero logo in vinyl across the front. Baby Girl had other ideas. She wanted it to be all the same fabric for the entire dress. She requested that I make her a bumblebee dress with the yellow fabric instead. In fact, she said, “You make it for me tomorrow?” Oh my, I am going to try to fit it in before we leave for vacation, but that is in two days and I have several projects I have to get done first. (Hence, why I am writing this at 4 am) Wish me luck!
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This fabric has been sitting in my stash for awhile. It is from Joann Fabric. You may find it here. The fabric features Batgirl, Supergirl and Wonder Woman. I asked Baby Girl which girl superhero she wanted on the center of her top and decided upon Batgirl. Which was no surprise to me.

The sewing pattern is the Girls Daisy Dress by Petite Stitchery and Co. You may find it here. It is Baby Girl’s all time favorite dress. Luckily it sews up pretty quickly as well. You may remember her Peach Overlay Daisy Dress and her 4th of July Daisy Dress. I am sure there will be plenty more, you know like a bumble bee dress….

What I love about the Daisy Dress sewing pattern, is it is a quick sew, plenty of coverage and oh so twirly. She can run and play in this dress, which is important both Baby Girl and I. What Baby Girl loves about the Daisy Dress sewing pattern is the twirl factor!

When I ask to take pictures, Baby Girl, will now to try to pose. It is pretty hilarious. Sometimes, she picks a really cute pose, then sometimes, she gives me this…

Did she just give me a Duck Face look? She looks much cuter than when I try it. LOL! How about her pirate pose?

This girl cracks me up! I am sure when she is older, she will be ecstatic I posted these online, just like the post of her picking her nose. LOL!
We enjoyed our break in the rain today. Since we have been back from our trip (first one without the kids), the weather has not been amazing. Not a lot of pool time has been happening :(. So we took advantage of few hours of no rain with bubbles, swings, playing with neighbors, bike ride, carriage ride, snacks, etc. She even shared her snacks with her “horsey.” She is making a face and sound pretending her horsey is eating the snack.

The Little Tikes Princess Horse & Carriage ride on toy is her most coveted toy. You may find it here (its on sale too right now!.)

Even though, it does not show her dress very well, the above picture is my favorite of the day. It just shows her pure joy. Sometimes, she will even share her horse carriage with her brother.

These two look like they were up to something. Our fun in the sun, came to an end shortly after this photo. I felt a few drops of rain, so I quickly moved to the garage with my camera. I told the kids they should join me, however, being kids they ignored me. Then, it just started pouring rain. They both jumped out of the horse carriage. Little Dude rain for cover, however Baby Girl had to save her horsey from the rain.

Normally Baby Girl dislikes her clothes getting even a drop of water on them. She will literally break down in tears, but she wanted to play in the rain. I let her know, if she her dress gets wet, we can easily throw it in the dryer. She thought about it for a brief moment.

Then, she went for it and enjoyed every moment of it!

Baby Girl even enjoyed jumping in the little water puddles.

Little Dude was still finishing his snack, so he missed the downpour, but he did end up playing in the rain too.

It looks like I need to make him so new shirts. I am not sure if he has grown quite a bit since last fall or if it is just the Doodles fabric shrinking a lot.
Needless to say the kids had a wonderful time in the rain. It always make me think of the quote from Michael K. Williams, “Childhood is that state which ends the moment a puddle is first viewed as an obstacle instead of an opportunity.”

We made the most of our rainy day. Now if you have made it through this whole post, do not forget to grab the Daisy Dress Sewing pattern here!
Be sure to check out all the Sewing Deals going on right now on the Sewing Deals Calendar!
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Her poses are adorable! I like the hemline on this! Really fun 😀
She cracks me up with her poses. I ask her to stand there and smile and this is what she gives me. LOL! Isn’t the hemline fun. There is an optional ruffle too in the pattern, however I have been too lazy to add it.