Anyone else thinking about Little Girls Easter dresses yet? I know Christmas is not quite here, but before we know it, it will be Easter and you will not want to miss out on this adorable Pink and Purple Eggs and Bunnies Easter fabric from It’s Sew Creative. You can find it on preorder right now here. They also have some very cute fairy and Easter Flower fabrics on preoder as well!
Plus starting Friday, 12/21 thru 1/4/19 all older retail and swim will be 50% off. at It’s Sew Creative! No other discount codes will apply.
Disclosure: This post may contain some affiliate links, at not additional cost to you, if you purchase something, I may receive a commission.

The bodice fabric is cute little bunnies with pink and purple ears, plus some little eggs. It has an adorable pink gingham background as well. Which is my favorite part! I just love gingham!

The skirt and sleeves of the dress fabric are these super cute pink and purple eggs with little flowers on a light pink background. Baby Girl just loves this fabric, she was more than excited to see it. I have some left over, so I will probably make her something more casual for every day wear.

I used the Be Dreamy Sewing Pattern (here) by Ellie and Mac. It is one of my all time favorite sewing patterns. You may remember my peach floral be dreamy dress or my pink rosette minky be dreamy dress I made for Baby Girl. The leggings are the Rosie’s Ruffled Leggings Sewing Pattern by Mamma Can Do It in Simply By Ti fabric. You can read my review of them here.
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