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All Day

Sincerely Rylee Fabric Cyber Monday Sale!!!

Sincerely Rylee Fabric is slowly releasing her Cyber Monday Sales, but it looks like it is going to be huge!  I will continue to update the details as she releases them! Go save some money [...]

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Juki 654 Serger Huge Black Friday Sale 2017

The Juki 654 Serger Black Friday Sale 2017 is on Super Sale at Sewing Machines Plus!! It is on sale for only $349.99, however with the coupon code: CYBRMNDY you can save an additional 10% off the [...]

Zenith & Quasar Fabric Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sale!

Zenith and Quasar is having a Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sale! Friday 11/24-25 - Black Friday Sale, 30% off retail Monday 11/27 - Cyber Monday Mystery Pack stocking (mostly likely flawed/remnant packs til they [...]

Be sure to check out all the Sewing Deals going on right now on the Sewing Deals Calendar!

Have you downloaded the new Seams Sew Lo Sewing App yet???  It is available on Apple and Android!  Find and Rate all of your favorite indie sewing pattern designers and fabric companies.  Plus find all of their latest sewing deals! Download the App NOW: