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PDF Pattern Sales
$1 Sewing Patterns at Ellie Inspired for Super Bowl Sunday!
Happy Super Bowl Sunday! For 24 hours only all of Ellie Inspired sewing patterns are only $1!!! Wow!! No coupon code necessary! Go save some money here!
Girls Rory Sewing Pattern and Women’s Flirt Sewing Pattern Release and Sale!
Petite Stitchery has released two new patterns! The women's Flirt shirt and dress sewing pattern and the girl's Rory sewing pattern. They are on sale for only $7 or you can buy the women's Rory [...]
Ines Dressing Gown sewing pattern release by Suco by Susana
SUCO by Susana has just released the Inês Dressing Gown, and it's on sale until Monday, February 5th! Go check it out here!
Thomas Track Pants Boys Sewing Pattern Release and Sale!
Thomas Track Pants are on sale now through Monday, February 5 for just $7. They feature two views, solid and color blocked, side seam pockets, optional lining and zipper hem. Great for woven fabrics and [...]
Amelia Maxi Dress Sew a long and Sale by Bella Sunshine
The Bella Sunshine Designs' Amelia Sew Along is going on in the Bella Sunshine Designs Sew Alongs group! Go join them and make some beautiful Mommy and Me maxi dresses! For the length of the sew along, you [...]
Bunnyhug Sewing Pattern Release and Entire Shop is 25% off at Apple Tree
The Bunnyhug is now available in Big Kids Grow with Me sizes! In celebration the whole shop is on sale!! Use code BIGKIDS for 25% off all patterns 🙂 code expires Monday Feb 5th. Go save some [...]
Momo Mod Baby Sewing Pattern Release and Sale by Sew Business Partners
Sew Business Patterns just released the new Momo Mod bag sewing pattern and it is 20% off through Thursday! Go buy it here!
Honeydew Kisses 30% off Sewing Patterns Sale!
Honeydew Kisses is having 30% of all their patterns. Use coupon code YAYFOR3K to save either on their website or their Etsy shop! Sale ends 2/8.
Be Captivating Dress Sewing Pattern Release and Sale by Ellie and Mac!
The new Be Captivating Dress Sewing Pattern has released by Ellie and Mac and it is stunning! Grab it while it is on sale here! (Discount will show up in cart.)
Petite Stitchery Periwinkle Tunic and Dress Girls Sewing Patter on Sale Today Only! Plus Giveaway
Today Kicks off the Petite Stitchery Valentine’s Day Blog Tour hosted by Seams Sew Lo (that’s me!). Each day of the Valentine’s Day blog tour the featured pattern will be on sale for that day only! Plus, you may [...]
Be sure to check out all the Sewing Deals going on right now on the Sewing Deals Calendar!
Have you downloaded the new Seams Sew Lo Sewing App yet??? It is available on Apple and Android! Find and Rate all of your favorite indie sewing pattern designers and fabric companies. Plus find all of their latest sewing deals! Download the App NOW: